by adminhv | Featured, Self Fulfillment and Life Purpose
What a difference one letter makes! Rather than focusing on one day a year for giving thanks – which often gets blended with football and naps — I like to think of ThanksLIVING as an endless season. Unlike other traditions, the season of ThanksLIVING has no...
by adminhv | Featured, Self Fulfillment and Life Purpose
News flash: some people like you, and some don’t. Consider this theory: 25% of people will like you, no matter what 25% of people will like you, but may be persuaded not to 25% of people will not like you, but may be persuaded to 25% of people will not like you, no...
by adminhv | Self Fulfillment and Life Purpose
You know the feeling. That nagging voice that asks over and over again. It may even be louder right now – as you approach a brand new year. We’re so busy with our lives – juggling all the balls – that we often don’t hear that inner spirit, imploring us to follow our...
by adminhv | Featured, Self Fulfillment and Life Purpose
Here we are — with a clean slate on which to create! New Year’s Day is my favorite holiday, holding the promise of 365 delicious days, 52 wonderful weeks and 12 marvelous months. How Could This Year Be Different? Like me, you probably have some ambitious...
by adminhv | Featured, Self Fulfillment and Life Purpose
If your major thoughts center on your “to do” list — or what other people think of you – strap yourself in. There’s nothing like an “in your face” message coming across your radar to stop you in your tracks. “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying” is a book that has...
by adminhv | Featured, Self Fulfillment and Life Purpose
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow’s a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present. If only we’d heed these wise words from cartoonist Bill Keane, we could experience such contentment in our lives! When you’re depressed, it’s because you’re living in the...