by adminhv | Behavioral Change, Featured
Let’s face it. When you set out to make a change in your life, I’ll bet you aim for a higher success rate than ten percent. That’s the thing, though. Lots of times we set ourselves up for failure by trying to make wholesale changes. “If you’re always striving,...
by adminhv | Behavioral Change, Featured
Do you have one of those situations in your family where there’s a “freeze out?” And everyone is tip-toeing around it? Or maybe you’re involved in an office conflict or with a group of friends who are bickering. It happens all too often. With today’s extended...
by adminhv | Featured, Relationships and Communication
Maybe it’s a throwback to the hunter/gatherer concept – or a cruel hoax of nature. Whatever the reason, though, the differences in communication between men and women sure make for interesting challenges! Women Speak Twice as Many Words You’ve probably heard the...
by adminhv | Featured, Relationships and Communication
Nobody wins in a heated argument. What if there was a way to defuse that heat and provide a “time out?” This one-minute video reveals a phrase you can use to get a conversation back to neutral. It disarms the other person — without taking away your power....
by adminhv | Featured, Self Fulfillment and Life Purpose
Here we are — with a clean slate on which to create! New Year’s Day is my favorite holiday, holding the promise of 365 delicious days, 52 wonderful weeks and 12 marvelous months. How Could This Year Be Different? Like me, you probably have some ambitious...
by adminhv | Featured, Self Fulfillment and Life Purpose
If your major thoughts center on your “to do” list — or what other people think of you – strap yourself in. There’s nothing like an “in your face” message coming across your radar to stop you in your tracks. “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying” is a book that has...